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Mind Connection Launch

Kim Eisler

It was a cold and raining day as we set off for the University of Western Sydney but nothing could dampen our sprits as we were about to launch Mind Connection Australia. The Psychology Careers Fair was a great success. Dozens of attendees came to explore their options for a future in the profession. It was wonderful to hear the enthusiasm of students as they discussed their goals and ambitions.

The field of psychology has an exceptionally diverse range of career possibilities. There are many different work roles you can undertake and disciplines to choose from. At MC we believe an individualised intern program aimed at your personal preferences is the best way of ensuring a satisfying career.

After months of planning Mind Connection Team has developed a comprehensive array of supervision opportunities by which 4+2 and 5+1 provisional psychologists can complete their registration. Providing this flexible method allows provisional psychologists to direct their learning and adapt their learning targets to changing needs and aspirations.

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